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Youth Firesetter Program Manager, NFPA 1035, 2015 edition
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Youth Firesetter Program Manager, NFPA 1035, 2015 edition

Ohio Fire Academy

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Course Information

This is classroom training provided by the State Fire Marshal for Youth Firesetter Program Manager, NFPA 1035, 2015 edition (Certification). This training and is intended to support 24 students.

This course was designed by the Fire Prevention Bureau and introduces learners to the concepts of NFPA 1035 Youth Firesetter Program Manager. The class is appropriate for persons who manage, develop, supervise, evaluate and coordinate youth firesetter intervention programs. These may include members of the fire service, mental health agencies, hospitals, law enforcement, juvenile justice and related fields. Prior completion of Youth Firesetter Level 1 or Youth Firesetter Intervention Specialist NFPA 1035 is required.

Completion of Youth Firesetter Level 1 or Youth Firesetter Intervention Specialist NFPA 1035
Participants in this program should be prepared to work in groups to solve scenario based activities that help to build skills in creating goals, developing and building coalitions, managing programs, marketing initiatives, and collecting/analyzing data.
18 hours
Any member may attend this course.

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